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JITA Films is on the cutting edge as we have many new projects on the table that will hit the market place soon. We don't just have dreams, we have the drive to make these projects become a reality on TV and the big screen.
"The Cure" Feature Film - In Development
A powerful feature film about a man's goal to become the new pastor of a church only his past struggles may keep him from his dreams of leading one of the most powerful churches in Milwaukee. Will he make it?
"Nick Canody Project" Reality Show
A New Idea for A Reality Show that is being pitched to several cable and national networks.
"Hollywood Preacher" Feature Film
A powerful film about a young man's struggle to maintain his faith while going after his dreams of being a Hollywood actor and soul winner.
News and Reviews for JITA FILMS GROUP New & Current Projects
Need Help getting a project pitched and developed...JITA FILMS would love to partner with you to help make your dream a reality. Contact us today and one of our producers will contact you within 48 hours and text.